Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chapter 28

2. During era of affluence, atheism was associated with communism, therefore there was a greater emphasis on religious values. In order to emphasis religious values, the Congress funded the construction of a nondenominational prayer room on Capitol hill, added the phrase "under god" to the pledge of allegiance and declared the phrase " In God we Trust " as the national motto. Also in the age affluence, religion did not divide people as it did before. The concept that the three main religion in America, protestant, catholic, and Jewish were all preaching the same thing in affirming spiritual values and moral ideals.

3. The era of Affluence had a great influence on American economy and politics. As corporation turned out vast quantaties of consumer goods, profits rose and new inventions such as the gas stove became more avaliable to the public. America, during the age of affluence experience an era of wealth and consumer abundance. Americans were the people of plenty. Products such as kitchen appliances, television sets and and automobiles became symbols of wealth. Labor and management were also affected by affluence. The relationship between unions and corporations improved. Union leaders saw that closer cooperation with corporate managment could guarantee employment stability and political influence for their unions. Afflunce also enriched the nation's political structure and led to the development of pluralism. Pluralism is that idea that no single group could dominate the political process. According to pluralist accounts, olicy making proceeded form wide participation in public debate by a broad range of different interest groups. Pluralist believed affluence was moderating political passions making it easier to make compromises.

4. Although there were many positive aspects of the affluent society some critics dislike the affects it was having on teenagers. Some blamed affluence for the rising rebellious nature in teenagers. Critics disliked the affect comics and music especially rock and roll were having on teenagers. They felt comic were encouraging rebellious acts. one incident even led to the censureship of comics. Rock and Roll music was the symbol of youth culture and the king of Rock and roll was Elvis Presley. The reason that rock and roll attractive many teenagers is because the music was about teenager life. Critics denounced rock and roll and felt that it was and insult to the very idea of music. The criticism of youth culture was part of a broader phenomenon know as the mass culture. Critics feared that the mass-marketed products such as TV and music were threatening individualism by using standardized imagery and messages.

5. During the election of 1960 Kennedy and his two brother conducted a very energictic campaign while his opponent, Richard Nixon conducted a very slow campaign. Kennedy's Campaign was known as the "New Frontier." Kennedy promised more federal support for civil rights which former president Eisenhower didn't show. To show his support for civil rights Kennedy sent aides to Georgia when Martin Luther King Jr. was facing a jail sentence for a minor traffic violation. Kennedy also support social programs, promoting greater foreign policy and conducting a more aggressive Foreign policy. Kennedy's talented staff and his family's vast wealth were a great advantage of Kennedy. Kennedy definently dominated the presidential campaign in the election 0f 1960. Even in the debates Kennedy always had a clear victory. Kennedy seemed very strong, confident and energetic compared to nervous pale Nixon. In the end Kennedy only defeated Nixon by only about 100,000 popular votes and won the electoral vote by a thin margin.


7. Both Eisenhower and Kennedy were hesitant in taking any serious action toward Civil Rights but both were forced to act as tension rose. In 1957 Eisenhower was forced to enforce a federal court order that mandated the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. When Orval Faubu, the sate segregationist governor employed the state's Naitonal Gaurd to block the desegregation, Eisenhower put the Arkansas National Gaurd under federal control and had the student be escorted into the school by armed troops. The other piece of civil rights legislation that was passed by Eisenhower was The Civil Rights Acts of 1957. Kennedy was also forced to take action when students and North Carolina A and T College sat down at a drug store and demanded to be served in the same manner as the white customers. Soon all across the south people were demonstrating non-violent sit-downs and freedom rides. As a response Kennedy finally signed an executive order that banned racial discrimination in federally financed houses, but Kennedy's actions weren't fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. Missing two of the questions for the assignment. Mistakes, minor type-o's, and unclear statements.

    Grade 23/35
