Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chapter 8 questions

1. There were many issues that the new government had to address. The very first issue was, what to call the president. This was a big issue because what they called the President would represent the power and dignity of the government. After much debate the House of Representatives settled on the title "Mr.President." The next big issue at hand was how to settle America's debt. To come up with an economic plan Alexander Hamilton was chosen to the Secretary of treasury. America owed 11 million dollars to foreign countries, especially France. The national and state governments owed 24 million to the American citizens. The problem was that the congress agreed that the national debt had to be payed fast and in full but they were not sure if they should do that for the state debt too. Alexander Hamilton proposed that the National government add the state debt to the national debt. This would cause the money from southern, middle and western states flows into the Northeast colonies who held 4/5 of the national debt. Hamiliton also proposed the creation of a Bank of United States and to put an excise tax wines, coffee and tea. The citizens of America were not happy because Hamilton economic plan closely resembled that of the British which the Americans did not like.

2. In 1789 the American government consisted of federalists, who were supporters of the constitution. An opposition party formed against Hamilton over the debate on the Bank of United States. Thomas Jefferson who was part of the opposition party argued that Congress did not have the right to create a national bank and that it gave congress to much power. Hamilton's argument was that congress was able to charter a bank under the necessary and proper clause. Jefferson and his supporter also opposed the federal excise tax and the idea of including the states debt as part of the national debt. Jefferson argued the Hamilton was only favoring merchants and speculators who only make up a small part of the overall population. The opposition party feared that Hamilton was using the Bank of America to buy the loyalty of the congress and turn the government into a monarchy such as the British government. The federalist response was that a strong central government was the key to the survival of the republic. The federalists believed that without a strong central government, America would return to the localism of 1780's which proved to be a failure.

3. When Washington was in power he had to make the decision of America's involvement in the French Revolution. The Federalist opposed the involvement in French Revolution while the Jeffersonians supported it. According to the treaties signed in 1778 United States was allied with France but in 1793 President Washington declared American neutrality. President Washington and the Federalist wanted a good relationship with Great Britain because the United States commerce depended on the relationship with Great Britain. Ninety percent of American imports came from Great Britain and 90% of America revenue came from the taxes on these imports. Jeffersonians wanted to breaks all tie from the monarchical politics of British and supported the French for carrying on the Republican revolution. When Adams was in power he had to make a decision of going to war with France or destroying American commerce.

4. Problems in the frontier had a big impact on foreign affairs. The Shawnee and other Indian tribes in the Northwest territory were plotting with Britain to drive out all the settlers. This hurt America relation with Britain. Also, settlers in the frontier were refusing to pay the excise tax on whiskey. This led to the Whiskey rebellion. General Anthony Wayne was able to help washing end the Whiskey rebellion and the Indian-British threat. In order stay on good terms with Britain, Washington sent John Jay and the Jay treaty was created. The Jay treaty was a quick fix but it did not solve all the problems.

5. The Alien and Sedition Acts mainly attacked immigrants and the Republicans. The first three acts extended naturalization period from 5 to 14 years, gave the president the power to detain enemies during war, and the power to deport anyone seemed dangerous to the United States. The Sedition Act set jail terms and fines for persons who wrote of spoke maliciously about the government of government and the President of United States. The Alien acts did not have much affect but under the Sedition Act 14 Republicans were prosecuted. The Republicans response was the Virgina and Kentucky Resolves. These resolves reminded the Congress of the fundamental ideas of the Constitution. The Kentucky Resolve which was created by Jefferson argues that the Alien and Sedition Acts gave powers to national government which weren't given by the constitution.

6. Foreign affairs increased rivalry between the Republicans and the Democrats. When the French revolution broke out Democrats did not want to support the french but the Republicans did. Republicans wanted not connection with Britain but the Democrats knew that without Britain their commerce would plummet. These different views of who to support led to discussion of if the political parties were supporters of revolutionary ideas. For supporting Britain, the Republicans argued that democrats were not supporting the revolutionary ideas and views of the common people.

7. The election of 1796 was a very unrepublican and undemocratic election. The federalists candidate for presidency was John Adams and Democratic Republican candidate was Thomas Jefferson. Adams support mainly came from New England and Jefferson's support came from southern states. The crucial states that would decide the winner of the election were Pennsylvania and New york. Jefferson won the electoral votes of Pennsylvania because of John Beckley. He circulated a list of respected candidate in the state legislature so the presidential electors for Pennsylvania were elector who supported Jefferson strongly. In New york, Adams won the state's electoral votes and won the election. In the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson had the upper hand because the Alien and Sedition Acts made the Federalists and John Adam very unpopular. The Alien and Sedition Acts and the strenghtening of the army made the settlers believe that Federalists really were trying to overthrow the American Republic. The Federalists countered by saying that if Jefferson were to be elected then the French Revolution would be unleashed in the Streets of United States. The Democratic Republicans mainly focused on gaining the votes of New york. In the end, Republicans did win New York's vote and won the election.

8. Jefferson and the Republican's distrusted the Federal courts especially after the Judiciary Act of 1801. The Judiciary Act packed the federal courts with federalists, making it impossible for Jefferson to put one of his candidate because Federal court officers could only be removed through impeachment. The Jeffersonian Republicans did not like the idea of an independent judiciary and wanted judges to be selected by popular vote. In order to replace the members of the Federal courts, Jefferson impeached them without an explanation of how the justices acts were "high crimes and misdemeanors." Jefferson first impeached John Pickering for being an alcoholic. Jefferson also impeached Samuel Chase for prosecuting many Republicans under the Sedition Act.

9. From 1803-1807 U.S. exports really rose but it came to a halt when France, Britain and America continually passed bill and decrees to stop the other countries trade. Britain Blockaded Europe to stop trade with France. Britain also passed the Rule of 1256 where the Royal Navy could seize American ships involved in the reexport trade with France. In Response, Congress passed the No Importation Act which forbade importation of British goods. Napoleon responds to the British blockade with with the Berlin decree which outlawed all trade with the British Isles. This of bill and decrees went on until all of American commerce with Europe was outlawed.

10. In the war of 1812 the War hawks strategy was confusing to many people. Instead of preparing for war over seas like the Federalist and Republican expected, the war hawks prepared for a land invasion of Canada. The War Hawks decided to invade Canada because it was valuable and vulnerable. Canada had bases where British armed Tecumesh's Indian Confederacy. Also, Canadian farmer were supplying colonies in the West Indies when Great Britain was not able to . To the War Hawks invading Canada was the key to end the war. The plan was to invade Upper Canada from the North west to cut of any pro-British Indian tribes but due to a poorly trained army the invasion turned into a occupation of Upper Canada by Great Britain. The invasion from the east didn't go as planned either. First, the U.S. army crossed Lake Champlain and surprised Britain but the militiamen refused to cross the river and reinforce the army. All in all, the war of 1812 in Canada was a complete failure and it proved that the militia cannot be trusted during invasion of other countries.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

political parties

1. The federalists believed that there should be a loose interpertation of the constitution while the republicans there should be a strict interperatation of the constitution. The federalists are less in favor of democracy then the republicans. The federalist believe that the common man cannot make political decision. They believe more power should be given to the government because they belive that "The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right." The Republicans believed that power and freedom should be given to the "mass of the people." They belive that the government should help the farmers, not put a debt on them like the Federalists planned to. Republicans do not consider working in factories as a good job. Thomas Jefferson says ,"While we have land to labor then, let us never wish to see our citizens occupied at a work-bench, or twirling a distaff...." He believes that manufacturing should be left to England and America should the raw material.

2. The Republicans are more idealistic then the Federalists. The Republicans want America to be a perfect union where all men are truly considered to be equal. The federalist know that is not possible. Alexander Hamilton says," All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well born, the other the mass of the people.... " As Hamilton said, it is hard to consider everyone to be equal if society divides people into different social classes. Republican views and ideas are solely based on the Revolutionary ideals. From the Articles of Confederation, America found out that they cannot create a government only based on revolutionary ideas. The Republicans realize this so, their ideas are based on the present situation and the present countries debt.

3. The purpose of Hamilton's program was to create a strong and prosperous nation. Hamilton's job as the secretary of Treasurer was to clear America's war debt. Hamilton believe that in order for a country to success it had to gain trust of foreign nation to invest in America. To do this he proposed a plan to excise taxes on whiskey and to create a Bank of United states. He did not want to bind the wealthy class loyalties to the government. He believed that wealthy class already had a major tax burden so, he proposed that the common people should also have tax burden on them.

4. After the election of 1800 the federalist gave up the government to the Republican. Since then, for a while there has not been a federalist president. Also Hamiliton died soon after the election. With his death the strenght of the Federalist also died out. Also with the election of 1800 the Federalist reputation was ruined. The Republicans attacked the Federalist by calling John Adams a monarchist.

5. The significance of the presidential election of 1800 was that it created a positive role for political parties. Also, it was one of harshest election in U.S. history. The Republicans were saying that "John Adams is an avowed Monarchist...." The Federalist responded by saying that Jefferson was a political radical. Jefferson was winning people over by talking about the major revolutionary ideal such as protecting states' rights and civil liberties. Jefferson won this election put the Republicans in power of the government. This made the federalist party an opposing party. The election of 1800 made the Federalist party a loyal opposition. The Federalists disagreed with the ruling party but stayed loyal to the Constitution.

1. James Monore favored a one party system. During his presidency he proposed a fusion policy. He wanted all American to be united under the Republican party. During his reelection there was not even a Federalist nominee. He believed that there should not be more then one party to a free government. Martin Van Buren favored the opposite of Monore. Buren believed in a loyal opposition party or the two party system. He believed that for each political view there should be a political party. While Monore believes two parties shouldn't be in free government, Buren believes that opposing parties and free government are entwined together. I agree with Van Buren because when there is only one political party then the government doesn't portray the views of everyone in the country. Having two political parties makes the government equal.

2. The constitution provided for an Electoral college system, in the election of the president instead of popular vote because there won't be a popular majority vote for any president if election was done by popular vote. It would be very hard to inform all the population of the United States about the credentials of the various candidates. Without sufficient information about the candidates the population would just choose that came from their states or just likes in general. The vote of the population wouldn't be based on character or intellect but on just appearance. The electoral college should stay the same because it is a balance between federal and state power. In the Electoral College system the people choose their electors and then the electors choose the president. If the senate chose the president then it destroys it destroys the balance of power between the three branches of government. If the state governments chose the president then the state would influence the government grealty and the states might rise against the federal government.

The New Republic

1. Washington believes that at some level political parties are indeed a good check on the government but still warns people of the dangers of political parties. In his farewell address he states political parties “serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration” and that it is not a spirit to be encouraged. He fears that political parties will creates jealousies between people and riots. He believes that political parties give an open door to foreign influence. He fears that with foreign countries will find access to the United States government and impose its policies on the U.S. government. Washington feared that people will only base their vote for president according to the person's political party and not the person's character.

2 In his farewell address, Washington warns the citizens of America that foreign countries will try to weaken America and destroy its independence. He says, “ in extending out commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.” Washington advices America that it should have no political connections with other nation and that its only connection should be commerce.

3. Washington was concerned about these two issues because America was still very young and had little experience with political parties and relationships with other nations. He feared that politcal parties will take away the independence that they have worked so hard to create. He especially feared that the democratic republican's with the help from France will take over america. At the time of Washington's farewell address, it was still the beginnings of the American government so, Washington feared that foreign nations could influence it.

4. Today, Political parties dominate the political process. Every president we have had so far was either part of the Democratic of Republican party. Just as Washington assumed the present population just chooses a candidate because they are from their own party. Washington worried that political parties would destroy democracy and go against the consitution but our present political parties are just different view of democracy.

5. Yes, Washington advised america to not get political involved with other nations but we did not listen. They are still applicable today because at anytime political interaction with another country disturbs the country at home.

From Gordon S. Wood story “ The Greatness of George Washington”, I can conclude that Washington does deserve the praise he had received for the past 200 years. Washington was a great war hero, was involved in the Constitutional convention and was elected the first president of the United States but it was his character that determined his Greatness. He was a perfect role model for the 18th century Enlightened man. Without Washington’s moral support the constitution might not even have accepted by the colonists.
Washington was a strict follower of the book of gentility. He valued his appearance in society. He worked all of his life to keep up with his reputation as a hero and leader. He was a perfect role model for every enlightened man during that time. For this reason, the colonist praised him. Every man wanted to be like George Washington. Washington defined what a proper gentleman was supposed to be like. A proper gentleman was a person who was civilized, impartial and was not consumed with only making profit. A gentleman sacrificed his desires for the good of his country and was not involved in religion. Every man during this time strived to be a gentlemen and Washington achieved it so, this achievement made him stand out. It was Washington’s character that led the delegates to choose him as the presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention. During the Convention Washington rarely contributed ideas but he was important figure because his support for the new constitution meant a lot. People believed and trusted Washington so, his words can persuade people. Washington wrote many letter to his friends showing his excitement about the new government. He helped spread the word of the constitution in a positive way. Some believe that without Washington’s support the constitution would not have been ratified and create a government that still exists today. James Monroe says about Washington, " Be assured, his influence carried this government." He had all the characteristics a Republican leader needed. When Washington became president he devolped the government. He gave it stability and order. Eventhough the constitution layed the rules for a government, it was Washington who carried out these rules.
In conclusion, Washington should always be remember Washington because his character and moral support help lay the Foundation for the government that we have today. Eventhough Washington lived in the past his actions affected our future.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

letter from an American Farmer

1.Crèvecouer contrast American society with that of Europe by the amount of freedom in the society. In america there are "no aristocratical families, no courts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one; no great manufacturers employing thousands." Crevecouer says americans are "united by the silken bands of mild government, all respecting the laws, without dreading their power, because they are equitable. He compares British society with American society by saying that there is no distint social classes like there are in Europe. "The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe."

2.Crèvecoeur doesn't include Spain in the list of nationalities that have blended together to create a new man. There were spanish settlement in California and lousiana so there were some spainard living on land which made up america. The biggest that he omitted from the list are the Native Americans and Africans. Africans make up a big part of the souther population and Native Americans lived the American territories and colonies.

3. He describes the back- settlers as people that are "entirely different from those that live in the plains." He say the back-settlers are " half civilized, half savage." The future that he projects is that in 10 to 12 years " prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people. The few people that do come back will change the "barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district."

4. the important elements in national character is to leave behind all prejudices be honest and work hard. If you are an artisan, farmer, or any other profession you are considered equal with everyone.

5. Like Crevecour predicted, by 1820 the white settlers moved to the frontier forcing the native american out of their ancestral land.

chapter 7Short Responses

1. After 1790, agricultural changes such as replacing the sickle with the scythe required men to work in the field more then the women. The Women mostly did the household work. Few farmer possed tools, labor and food. So, neighbors met together and trade these tools and food. The womemn traded herbs, butter, eggs, material for spinning wheel and looms.

The population of the Woodland Indian decreased dramatically due to wars between the white colonists and mixed-blooded indians, decrease in food supply, a decrease in fur trade, and europeans diseases. By 1790 much of indian lands were ceded to the Americans. The Indians had to face not only individual colonists but the U.S. Army. They only had one victory where 630 soldiers died. In 1794 President Washington sent a thrid army which defeated the Indians at Fallen Timbers. Also the Treaty of Grenville forced the Indian to give up 2/3 of Ohio and southeastern Indiana. The indians also had conflicts with other indian who were mixed blood. For the most part, these didn't speak the native language anymore and wanted their people to adopt american ways. Murder and revenge increased between the two groups. The few settlers that the indians were able to defeat killed or scared off many of the animals. This destroyed their hunting grounds and decreased their food supply. The woodlands indians depended alot on Europeans fur trade, but due to competion with the settlers and other indians, fur trading was becoming hard. European diseases attacked so many native americans because they were vey sedentary, which made them vulnerable to diseases. In the end, due all of these factors the population of the woodland indians depleted.

3. To easterns, the life in the Backcountry seemed all backwards and were mostly offended by it. they saw no difference between backcountry men and the indians. The easterns saw both of them as savages. The backcountry was filled with poverty, lice, filth and drunken men. Of all the things, the biggest offens the easterns felt was the fact that women worked the fields in the Backcountry. While the women did the field work, the men went on long hunts to find animal skin for trading. Many whites in the back country blended the indian ways with the american ways. For example, Daniel Boone braided his hair, dressed indian legging and went on long hunts like many native Americans. During the 19th century every american was drinking but the fronteirsmen drank the most. They were very drunk and violent. The frontiers men got into serious fights where they tore apart the opponents body parts. In all, life in the backcountry is to find food, get drunk and getting into violent fights.

4. The industrial Revolution creates a demand for cotton. If planters could mass produce cotton then their profits would skyrocket. The issue was that long-staple cotton only grew on the Sea Islands off Georgia and South Carolina and short-staple cotton had very sticky seeds which had to be removed by hand. Short - staple cotton was a very time taking and back-breaking job. In one day only one pound of cotton could be cleaned. When Eli Whitney created the cotton "gin" 50 pounds of short-staple cotton could be cleaned. This invention made cotton an american cash crop. As the demand of cotton increased the demand for slaves also increased. The chesapeake planters who could not grow cotton changed to mixed agriculture. To finance this transition they sold their slaves to cotton frontier planters.

5. There was a division of labor in the Chesapeake while there was the task system in the lower south. In the Chesapeake the males slaves did the hard work which required alot of upper body strenght. The male slaves did the plowing, mowing, sowing, ditiching and carting. these were usually done by the artisan slaves in the lower south. Slave women in the lower south worked as domestic servants to the planter's house. In the Chesapeake female slaves did farm work which required little skill. The women slaves did the hoeing, weeding, spreading manure, and cleaning stables. In the lowers south slaves were organized in a task system. In the morning, each slave was given a task and the slave could work at his own pace. When the task was completed the slave could cultivate his own land and sell the crops for profit. Slavery in the lower south was quite different from slavery in the Chesapeake because in the lower South the slaves had a little freedom.

6.Baltimore, Charleston, Boston, New York and Philadelphia are the five seaport cities that played a key role in the international commerce of the United States. These five cities handle imports from Europe and exports from the United States. The seaports were facing a period of economic collapse due to wars, British ban on reexport trade, Jefferson's ban of importation and the war of 1812. But from 1815 the seaports thrived and increased in wealth. The increase in wealth increased the facilities of Docking and warehousing, created insurance and banking companies and bookkeepers were replaced by accountants. With the prosperity of seaport cities the status of artisans was also changing. Artisans in the seaport were very respected. Artisans worked just enough to support their family. Most of the male workforce in the seaport cities were artisans but as maritime economy grew they were being replaced by wage workers. Wage workders worked for less money and were semiskilled. As artisans were being replaced by wage labor, the status of artisan was decreasing. Very few artisan were able to support their family without the wife or the children working.

7. After the declaration of Independence the patriachal republic created by the Founding Fathers slowly disappeared and a democracy formed. There was decline in authority and an increase in equality and importance to individual ideas. The first place where the Patriarchal Authority was declining in households. Alexis de Tocqueville, a French visitor says," ...As soon as the young American approaches manhood, the ties of filial obedience are relaxed day by day; master of his thought, he is soon the master of his conduct..." Childer were being given the freedom of choice which they didn't have under the patriachal republic. After a certain age the boys were let go. they had to find their own way in life. Under the patriarchal republic the oldest son recieved the family farm but after the revolutionary war the sons grew up knowing that they won't recieve any land. Before the Revolutionary war, the husbands for young women were choosen by the father and when married the women were given a great amount of money or property. After the war, the women were able to choose their own husbands because the father was only able to give a small dowry. Marriages were based on affection instead of property.

8. The First amendment of the Constitution states the seperation of chruch and state and also, freedom of religion. Due to this amendment each state now had to support its own chruch and different democratic sects have developed. The number of established chruchs were starting to decrease because the states could not support the chruch. Without any strong established chruches, different democratic sects such as Methodists, Baptists, disciples of Christ and mormonism. After the revolutionary war, the american's view of religion changed. At this time, americans believed that religion was in your heart not in your mind. The clergy no longer needed a college degree. The new preachers used storytelling instead of theological lectures which attracted more people. Of the different sects, Baptists and Methodists were the successfull at preaching. Baptist was based on localism and congregational democracy. Methodist was based on simplicity. Methodist preachers spoke plainly and carried hymnbook with simple tunes that anyone could sing.

9. The French Revolution and the creation of the black Republic of Haiti sprouted ideas of liberty, equality and freedom in the mind of the slaves. Slaves were starting to wonder about their natural rights and some even revolted to get these natural rights. One of the revolts were led by a slave blacksmith named Gabriel. His plan was to march into Richmond with a 1,000 slave soldiers in three columns. The out side column would start fires in the ware house district to prevent the militia from entering the city. The center column seize the treasury, the arsenal and Governor James Monroe. In the end, the plan didn't work.

10. As the economy increased, the demand for slaves increased. The middle class men had more jobs. The wealthier became even more wealthier and it created more work for women and children. City merchant provided farmer with raw material which the women and children on the farms created into shoes, furniture, cloth and other handmade goods.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Revolutionary ideals (DBQ)

1. During the 18th century women were starting to stand up of their rights. Abigail Adams says in her letter," In particular and care and attention is not paid to the Ladies were are determined to forment a Rebellion, and we will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation." The men in the society are not really taking the women's rebellion seriously. They considered the women to be a separate group not equal to them like the native americans. John Adams in response to Abigail's letter says, " Indians slighted their guardians and Negros grew insolent to their masters. But your letter was the first intimation that another tribe. " He says that men will not give up their power because doing that would subject them "to the despotism of the petticoat" (Doc 1)

2. Revolution ideas say that " all men a born free and equal-- and that every subject is entitled to liberty, and to have ait quarded by the laws, as well as life and property." (Doc3) The new ideas of Americans is that all people have a certain natural rights. Quock Walker Case says in Doc 3 having slaves goes against the ideas of the constituion and american society. Regardless of race people of America believe in that all mankind have natural rights and the right to desire liberty(doc3). so, that means that african americans are also entitled to these rights. Even though some like Quock Walker Case believed that slaves should completely be free other such as Thomas Jefferson has other ideas. He says," by emancipating the afterborn, leaving them on due compensation, with their mothers, until their services are worth their maintenance, and then putting them to industrious occupations, until a proper age for deportation...." Just as people were beginning to think Africans were entitled to freedom and equal rights, women were starting to think the same. Abigail Adams was one of the many who believed that women should be treated the same as the men. In a letter to her husband she says, "Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands." "Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could." (Doc 1) She relates the power of men to the power of government. She says that just like a president can become a tyrant, a man can become a tyrant. She states the same reasons for wanting equality that the population of the 13 colonies states when declaring their independence from Britian.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Articles of confederation to Constitution

1. "...this new constitution is, in its first principles, most highly and dangerously, oligarchic," Richard Henry Lee said. As Lee said many Anti Federalist believed that the new constitution invested alot in only the central government. The Anti Federalist feared of tyranny. They believed the new Constitution is unable to protect people's natural rights. In document one, Amos Singletary is comparing the Constitution to a sea monster, leviathan. Like him, many Anti Federalist believed that the Constution put so much power in the congress that it will ruin people's lives. They objected to the constution because it did not contain a Bill of Rights. They said the Constitution did not secure people's rights.

2. In the Federalist Papers, the Federalist support the constitution by saying, "Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction." They say that a well constructed union can protect people from politcal factions. The Federalist say the new constitution stablizes the government. They believe that a strong central government can make sure that people follow the " rules of justice" (Doc 5).

3. "Constitution represented a threat to the liberties of the people and an attempt to impose aristocratic rule." This statement is more persuasive because the colonist became angry at britian because they felt that Britian was taking away their liberties. Republican values is new concept that the colonist are just learning. Colonist believed that King George III was a tyrant and one of their revolutionary ideas was to have a government without a sole ruler. So, saying the constitution " impose aristocratic rule" can make the colonist against the constituion.

Politics and Society in Post-Revolutionary America

chart one:

1. There are a greater number of farmers and Merchants in the new State legislatures

2. The souther colonies, South Carolina and Virgina have mostly Large land owner, while the three state have the least number of large land owners. Massachuttes, Pennslyvania and New york have alot more artisans then the state of South Carolina and Virginia.

chart 2;

1. From 1765 to 1775 there was a greater percent of official that were wealthy in both the north and south. from 1783 to 1790 the wealth of elected official decreased. More official had between 2000-5000 pounds of silver or under.

2. The south has a greater percent of officials with silver than official in the North.

Differences between Federalists and Antifederalists

chart 1:

1. The supporters of the Constitution are wealthier because 82% of Federalist are wealthy when only 18 % of Anti- Federalist are wealthy.

2. Most Anti Federalists are average farmers and workers and probably illerate because knowlegable people were mostly wealthy during this time period.

chart 2:

1. Merchants, manufacturers, doctors, lawyers, ministers, large landholders,Artisans, innkeepers, surveyors would support the ratification of the constitution because a greater percent of Federalists have these occupations.

2. Farmers because a greater percent of farmers are Anti Federalists.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 6 question 4

4. During and After the revolutionary war western expansion was continuing. The colonist were no longer stopped by the british so the native american started to use British artillery to drive out the colonies. The native americans were moved and displaced from places where they hunted for food and lived. Even though the colonists settled in Indian lands the indians still came and hunted. This made it hard for the colonist to grow crops so, they built strong and big log cabin to prevent indian attacks and they did. So, the Indians brought Brtish allies and artillery to breakdown the blockades. The native Americans united during the Revolutionary war. They became stronger and are fighting to keep their lands.

Chapter 6 Question 3

3. The people who most benefit from American Independence are free householder becauses they have be chances of being a politician and colonize the great West. Many slaves with the american independence gained their own freedom. The people who least benefitted from the Independence are the Indians and any one else who was related to King George III. The anglican Chruch with King George III as it head was very vulnerable. All the anglican chruches were disestablished and it lost many of it rights and tax support. With Thomas Jefferson's Statue of Religious freedom the colonist became more tolerant with different religious groups. Catholics and jews were given tolerance. Basically, with America's independence the government did not pay much attention to chruch and religion. Congress placed not restirction or rules on chruches and religion. Many slaves durin the revolution won their freedom through military service. After Independence slavery sort of distinguished the different areas of the country. Slavery was seperating the north and the South. In the North many slaves became free but not equal with the white population. In the South slavery was increasing. In fact, slaves became a nesscessity to the southern planters especially for the cotton plantations. With Independence the view of women and the relationship between husband wife were changing. In a family, the husband and wife were being seen as equal. Even in society, women are given the same importance as men. More and more women were becoming literated and marriage for property are dicouraged. Also free minds are valued now. Parents were starting to respect children's view. Parent were encouraging individuality which wasn't the case in past because childer were to follow strict rules. The economy of America was very down after the Revolutionary war. Americans could not pay for any of the imports. People could not pay for their taxes, farmers lost crops, livestock, farms and forced into foreclosure. America was drowned in debts. Cosmopolitans and Localists political groups developed after independence. Cosomopolitians were artisans, comericial farmers and former army officers. They looked for a new and energetic government with leniency to returning loyalist. They wanted the government to be on top everthing. They wanted the government to create plans to clear the debt, trading policies and hard money. The localists were farmers, rural artisans, and militia veterns. They the complete opposite of what the cosmopolitians wanted. They wanted debtor relief and paper money. Mostly the localist had the upper hand is society. They won most of the battles with the Cosomopolitians.

Chapter 6 question 2

2. The articles of Confederation was based only on revolutionary ideas but the Constitution included the ideas in a way that still allows structure and order. The Articles give more freedom to the people then the Constitution because each state could do as it wishes. Each state made its own rules. At a state level this was fine but at a national level it complicated things. For example, each state had the right to created it own currency but sometime the states didn't allow other states' currency. This made trading between states hard. Also according to the Articles, all 13 colonies had to come to an unanimous decision on national issues. So, not a lot of national laws were being passed because it was hard to convince all the states to agree on one thing. The uniformity the Articles didn't allow the Constituition allowed. The colonists did not want anyone to have all the power and the articles did give all the power to one person. The Articles gave all the powers to the states making United States, the national government vulnerable. The Constitution divided the powers between state and central government. Within the central government the powers are divided into 3 branches so, power is never all given to one person or group. the constitution is a fulfillment of the Revolution because the americans declared independence so, they can have a government where the common person has a say in how they should be governed and to get away from the tyranny of King George III. The constitution creates a government where they choose the members in the government and the power to rule is alway seperated and is being checked and balanced.

Chapter 6 question 1

1. The American's reasons and justification for indepence for britian are stated in the Declaration of Independence. Those reason are that all people have basic natural rights, the job of the government is to protects these rights, no central should have alot of power and it is the people's right to revolt if a central government becomes corrupt. Based on these ideas the americans started to reconsturct authority in the United states. A continental Congress developed during the American Revolution. The congress acted as the parliament for the United States. Delegates from each state came together and made decisions about a constitution. The congress created the Articles of Confederation. The Ariticle of Confederation had a very week central government which was the congress and most of the powers were given to the States. This perfectly embodies the ideas of the declaration of independence but was not the perfect to run a country. Under the Articles of Confederation Each stated had their own Constitution. Some had unicameral legislatures and others had a bicameral legislature. Each state went through a series of constitutions before they created a constitution that best defined what a republic was and that included popular sovernity with states. Nationally the Articles was not working out. Each state was acting as a seperate nation. It was impossible to make any national decisions and it became hard to run a country because congress did not have any money. The delegates met again at the Philadelphia Convention where they debated on how to balance national power with state power. They came up with the Constitution which has a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Upper House and representation by population in the Lower house. The constitution balanced the power between the state and national government. The constitution secures the rights of th people and the authority of the central government.The constitution perfectly embodies the revolutionary ideas and the ideas of a republic.

Chapter 2 question 3

3. At first when the colonies were created the whole concept was to create a smaller version of the parent country, and England considered the colonies as a source of raw material for trade. When the colonist came to the New World they brought with them the British culture. The British society was very sturctured with distint social classes. In the beginning of the of the Jamestown settlement there were not that many different classes but later Jamestown developes a wide range of social types such as laborores, farmers, artisan, merchants and gentleman. Even though the american colonies had the social system had a social system of the british but the colonist adopted new practices to be able to survive. The colonist adopted the sugar plantation system from the dutch and started using slaves. Many of the colonists had no experience in farming and the gentleman from england thought farming was below them but learned how farm in order to survive. Native Americans were considered uncivilized so communicating with native americans was wrong according to the british society but colonies such as Pennslyvania and Quebec maintained harmony with the natives to survive.

Chaper 2 question 2

2. The major difference between protestantism and Catholicism is that protestants believe that the Bible is the only source of gods revelation but Catholics believe that God sends his message through the pope. Catholics believe that salvation can be earned through good works. The Catholic Church tried to sell theses salvation through indulgence. This led to Martin Luther writing the 95 theses and beginning of the protestant reformation. The protestants believe that salvation can only be achieved through faith. In particular, Calvinists believe in predestination, a person's way to heaven or damnation is decided by the god before he even created the world. In Catholicism veneration to gods is considered a form of worship but Calvinist believe that there is a difference between veneration and worship. Calvinist believe veneration distracts from actual worship so, veneration is considered an act of heresy in some form of Calvinism. There are the seven sacraments in Catholicism but protestants do not believe in the seven sacrament because they are never mentioned in the bible. Calvinist only believe in 2 sacraments, baptism and lord's supper but Calvinist take the concept bread and wine the body and blood of Christ symbolic. all in all the Calvinist don't believe the people job is to do charity and rituals to receive salvation but to find out out if they are one of the chosen ones and receive salvation.

Chapter 1 question 3

3. Cortes came to Tenochititlan in 1519 and kidnapped the Aztecs ruler Moctezuma. Then Cortes destroyed all Aztecs religious objects and replaced them with pictures of Virgin Mary. Horrified that the Europeans destroyed their God, the Aztec fight against the intruders. During the process their ruler is killed. Later the Aztecs are infected by the diease the Europeans left behind, Small pox. The Aztecs and the european fight till the whole city is destroyed.When the Cortes first saw the Aztec religious places such as the sacrificial temple the Europeans thought the Aztecs were worshipping Satan, the Devil. So, when cortes was replaces the religious ojects with pictures of Virgin Mary and other Saint he saw nothing wrong because he thought he was doing the right thing by ridding the place of religious objects worshipping satan which was horrific to the Europeans. When Cortes took Moctezuma as a hostage the Aztec might have thought that the European would scarifice him like they did with their captive so they became angry.

Chapter 1 essay Question 2

2. During the 1400's Europe was behind compared to the rest of the world. China during the time was the worlds most complex culture and had the most advance technology for that time. Islamic world was expanding its territories greatly and controlled much of trade during this time, while Europe was just starting explore over seas. Europe was so behind because it suffered from severe disadvatanges. Europe's biggest problem was its location. it was on the Atlantic rim of the Eurasian continent which made access to the Asian trade hard and costly. Another problem was that Europe produced very little that Asian traders wanted so as a result they had to pay with silver and gold, which are nonrenewable and resources and becoming scarce. These disadvatages disappeared after the Crusades and the Renaissance. The crusades opened Europe to the Asian Trade market. They were now able to get spices and silks they long wanted. The Renaissance was the rebirth of art, literature and knowledge in Europe. During this time there were agricultural and architectural advances. Advances in agriculture like and improved plowed increased food production and population. they also devoloped new architectural styles such as the Gothic structure. With the invention of the printing press and movable type information started to circulate more. with the circulation of information came improvement in ship design, navigational equipment and gain information on new maritima and military techniques. With all this new information by the 1500's Europe had armies and fleets that can outsail and outfight anyone.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 5 Question 4

4. The Signifance of the American Revolution is that the idea of freedom,liberty and basic rights first started in the Americas. The American Revolution is the first incident in history where John Locke's natural rights ideas were actually practiced. The revolution was the first step towards a democratic government. The democratic system that we have now come the continental congress. The delegates after the war used the government they had at present and their ideas to create a new form of government which we use till now. The American Revolution was also an encoragement to other countries to fight for independence. The French were inspired the american revolution which led to the French Revolution. The social system in the colonies was very different then the social system in the colonies and even in other countries. In the American colonies even women had a role in the war. They were nurses and took care farms and family back at home. In the American Colonies even women worked, which was not the case in Britian.

Chapter 5 Question 3

3. The colonies became unified after the Frist Continental Congress. For the first instead of depending on the parliament to change the form of the government the colonists created their own central government. At the Frist Continental Congress all the colonies sent delegates where all of them made decisions together on how to attack Britian. The Congress created an Association in every community to enforce the trade sanction against Britain. Each colony was doing the same thing to attack the British taxation laws. It was not like before 1763 where each colony had it own way. Like Boston and Newyork with boycotts while other colonies created petitions. During the Second Continental Congress, the delegates came together to discuss about their army and choice commanders. The congress made these decisions as a group. No one person made the decisions. They chose the Commanding General and George Washington and his job was to change the undisiplined army into a continental army. The congress created an Olive Branch Petition to end the war and come to a comprime but King Geroge III did not even considered it. Even though the colonist were making decisions as a united Country not all colonies wanted full independence. Mid-Atlantic colonies were still resistance to full independence. During this was when Thomas Paine's Common Sense was released. This pamphelt brought all the colonies to one decision which was that indepences was the only answer.

Chapter 5 Question 2

2. The era of Revolution was mainly based on the colonies paranoia of the losing their liberties and Britain losing control and being in debt. After the War, Britain had a national debt of 130 million pounds. Already Britain was already the most heavily taxed society in the world during this time. unable to just handle the debt, Grenville believed that the colonist should pay for its costs. So in order to just maintain the colonies Grenville passed the various taxation laws. The colonies feared for their liberties because the different taxation were being passed without any representation of the colonies of the colonies. Grenville also brought the soldiers into the colonies instead of protecting the borders. The colonist feared that the soldiers were just there to enforce laws that were unconstitutional instead of protecting them.

Chapter 5 Quetion 1

1. The french and Indian War led to British being in debt. so unable to support the colonies Grenville started to pass laws to raise revenue. If the French and Indian had not occurred then Britain would have never have the issue of raising revenue. Grenville's other reason for imposing the taxes was he feared Britain might lose control of the colonies if they don't assert their authority on the colonies soon. The various taxes upset the colonies because they were never asked to support their own army or asked to help Britain before. They were mostly left alone so the new authority made the colonies feel as if their liberties were being taken away. The American colonies and Britain had very different views on concepts. Colonists believed in a democratic government while Britain didn't. If the taxes were never imposed to raise revenue then these difference would have never been pointed out to the the colonies. During this time Colonies population growth was increasing. The incoming immigrants were not all English so it started creating major cultural differences betweent the colonies and the mother country. So, the concept of the colonies being for like the mother country was falling apart. This population growth had nothing to do with french and Indian War. New Enlightenment ideas of freedom were developing in colonies which led them to question Britian authority. These ideas of Freedom was unrelated to the French and Indian War. The taxes were not only to raise revenue but to force the colonies to trade with only britian. The Proclamation of 1763 was created to keep peace between the natives and colonist so trade can develope between the two.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

DBQ responses

1. According to the documents the fundamental causes for the American Revolution seem to be the outrageous taxation and control the British put on the colonies. The colonies just had enough and once they reached their breaking point the revolution was inevitable. The colonist reached their breaking point with the Stamp Act. As said in the Resolution of the Town of Braintree, Mass. about the Stamp Act,"We have called this a burthensome tax, because the duties are so numerous and high...that it would be totally impossible for the people to subsist under it...." The Stamp Act required a Tax on practically everything and the colonist could not bare it. The colonist could not stand the stamp act because it was completely unconstitutional, the tax was added without their consent and the colonist discovered they had no representation in the Parliament (Doc 8). The colonist believed if they had no representation in the colonies then the parliament should not be adding and taxes or acts. The colonist in the end discovered that they could not be under Englands control as stated in Thomas Paine Common Sense, “The injuries and disadvantages we sustain by that connection are without number; and our duty to mankind at large, as well as to ourselves, instruct us to renounce the alliance.”( doc 8)
2. The colonist believed that no one person should control all the power. As said in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, it is not one person who makes the laws but the people. The constitutional views of the colonists were stated in the Articles of Confederation. In the Articles of Confederation the colonists state how they a want their government should be. The colonist believed that there should be a limited central government with most of the powers given to the states. The colonists believed in more democratic political ideas. They believed that the governed should have a say on how they should be governed. They believed that a distant central government should not have all the power because the colonist cannot play a role in their government if it is so far away that is why the believe the states should have most power because it was close to the people. The states had many powers including the right to tax which the colonist believed was the most powerful right. So, the colonist did not like the fact that the parliament which was very far away had the right to tax the colonies and that they were inflicting this right on the colonies without consulting with them.
3. Colonist from different sections and different social class most likely did not have the same political ideas. Colonists from new England had more liberal views while colonist from the southern colonies had more radical views. The political ideas of the people in America depended on the economic status and values of the different colonies. Some saw colonists as a whole while others saw America as separate colonies. For example Rev. Andrew Burnaby says, “For fire and water are not more heterogeneous than the different colonies in North America.” He sees America separated into many different colonies which are so different from each other that if America becomes its own then there will be war. Thomas Paine on the other hand see America as a united nation. Throughout the pamphlet, Common Sense, he refers to the colonies as one single entity not many different colonies. So, while Burnaby believes the colonists are very different from each other in all aspects, Thomas Paine sees all the colonies having the same ideas and goals.
4. I would classify the colonist grievances somewhere between reasoned and exaggerated. The colonists such as the town of Braintree, Massachusetts supported their arguments with the British common law. “We take it clearly, therefore, to be inconsistent with the spirit of the common law, and of the essential fundamental principle of the British constitution.” (Doc 4) The colonists of Braintree, Massachusetts say that they are disappointed with the stamp Act because it goes against the British constitution. This is a very reasonable explanation for their disappointment in England. In Document 7 Nicholas Cresswell was exaggerating when he said, “…Government is going to make absolute slaves of them.” 1. According to the documents the fundamental causes for the American Revolution seem to be the outrageous taxation and control the British put on the colonies. The colonies just had enough and once they reached their breaking point the revolution was inevitable. The colonist reached their breaking point with the Stamp Act. As said in the Resolution of the Town of Braintree, Mass. about the Stamp Act,"We have called this a burthensome tax, because the duties are so numerous and high...that it would be totally impossible for the people to subsist under it...." The Stamp Act required a Tax on practically everything and the colonist could not bare it. The colonist could not stand the stamp act because it was completely unconstitutional, the tax was added without their consent and the colonist discovered they had no representation in the Parliament (Doc 8). The colonist believed if they had no representation in the colonies then the parliament should not be adding and taxes or acts. The colonist in the end discovered that they could not be under Englands control as stated in Thomas Paine Common Sense, “The injuries and disadvantages we sustain by that connection are without number; and our duty to mankind at large, as well as to ourselves, instruct us to renounce the alliance.”( doc 8)