Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 1 question 3

3. Cortes came to Tenochititlan in 1519 and kidnapped the Aztecs ruler Moctezuma. Then Cortes destroyed all Aztecs religious objects and replaced them with pictures of Virgin Mary. Horrified that the Europeans destroyed their God, the Aztec fight against the intruders. During the process their ruler is killed. Later the Aztecs are infected by the diease the Europeans left behind, Small pox. The Aztecs and the european fight till the whole city is destroyed.When the Cortes first saw the Aztec religious places such as the sacrificial temple the Europeans thought the Aztecs were worshipping Satan, the Devil. So, when cortes was replaces the religious ojects with pictures of Virgin Mary and other Saint he saw nothing wrong because he thought he was doing the right thing by ridding the place of religious objects worshipping satan which was horrific to the Europeans. When Cortes took Moctezuma as a hostage the Aztec might have thought that the European would scarifice him like they did with their captive so they became angry.

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