Thursday, November 26, 2009

Election of 1824

1. The presidential election of 1824 finially had to be chosen by the house of Representatives because out of the 4 members running for the election, no one recieved a majority popular vote and eletoral vote. Andrew Jackson did recieve the highest but it was not enough to win majority. According to the 12 amendment established after the election of 1800 if no one recieves the hightest majority vote, the president would be elected by the House of Representatives through a voting process.

2. To be fair Andrew Jackson should have be elected president. Andrew Jackson was the one who recieved the popular vote and the House of Representatives is supposed to be the voice of the people. Jackson was in the lead for the the whole election. Jackson recieved 42 percent of the popular vote, while Adams recieved only 32%. In the electoral vote, Jackson led with 99 electors while Adams had 84 electors. The people were asking for Jackson so it should have been Jackson.

3. The purpose of the Electoral college was to make sure that it is always a qualified person that gets elected for president. The founding Fathers feared that the public would be manupilated and that the american government would end up with an uneligiable president. The reason for the establisment of the electoral vote was that people of lower class who were not educated didn't have alot say in the goverment. Overall the Founding Fathers created the electoral college because they didn't trust the common people to make the rigth choice. I don't think the president and vice president should be chosen entirely by popular vote. The electoral college creates order and without it there would be more case where there is no majority.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Divya,

    You need to watch your grammar and spelling, especially you capitalization. Generally good responses. The last line of your third response needs clarification.

    Grade 11/12
