Tuesday, February 2, 2010

chapter 19 responses

1. Railroad and the improvement in technology were the two most important factors in the nation's economic growth. Railroads greatly contributed to the nation's economic growth becuase they were the largest consumers of coal, the largest carriers of goods and people, and the lrgest employers of labor. Inaddition to contributing to economic growth, railroads led to the creation of standard time zone. Technological advances impacted economic growth by improving railroads and communications. Railroads gain improvement such as automatic signals, air brakes and knuckle coupler which made railroads more efficient. Other inventions such as the Telegraph, telephone and type writer made communicating over long distance easier.

2. As the drive for greater speed and productivity in factories increases, the conditions of the workers worsened. Workplace accidents increases and one of the worst was the triangular waist shirt factory fire. Also, the advance in technology replaced artisand with machines. Before, when artisan worked independently now orked under managers for low wages and no workmen's compensation. To regain their job independence and to decrease labor violence labor union formed. Laobr political activism grew and department of labor formed in several states. By the seeing the poor woking conditions of factory workers many wirters such as Henry George were inspired to create books telling the public of these conditions. this enraged many people and increased the urge to improve the working conditions.

3. The knights of Labor represented unskilled and some s killed laborers, while the AFL only supported skilled workers and looked down upon unskilled workers. The knights of Labor admitted even women and blacks. The AFL were very prejudice group. They were prejudice against southern and Eastern Europe immigrants and black workers. The main goal of the Knights of Labor was to raise wages, shorten hours and better working conditions. The AFL worked for the same bread-and-butter issues as the Knights of Labor. In addition, to the bread-and-butter issues the AFL also fought for legal protection for employer negotiated contracts or trade agreements. To achieve these goals, strikes was the main method but the knights of Labor discouraged this. Even though strikes was discouraged the knights of labor won most of its battles through strikes.

4. The Depression of 1893-1897 had nurmerous effects on the Ameircan Life. The Depression was triggered by a collapse of the stock market, and economic slowdown abroad, the issue with the American monetary system, declining farm prices, and over expansion of railroad construction. With the bankruptcy of the Reading Railroad and the National Cordage Company ccaused 491 backs and 15,000 other business failed. As a result the unemployment rate rose to more than 15 percent. Another major impact was the Coxey's Army led by Jacob Coxey, who convinced hundereds of unemployed workers to ride to Washington and press to put them to work on road building and other public works. This had a drastic impact but Coxey's army was put at rest.

5. The currency problem started during the Civil War when greenback notes were issued. To improve the deflation issue the treasury decided to bring the greenback to par with gold by limiting the amount of greenbacks in circulation. The shortage of money supply increased deflation. With the specie Resumption Act in 1875 the U.S. dollar was brought to the same value as gold but the decrease in money supply hurt southern and western farmers. The farmers debts were enlarged by the increasing value of greenbacks. The issue of deflation was brought into question by farmers who denounced bans and attacked the monetary system. The farmer's interest rate grew as the price of cotton or wheat declined which was his main crop.

6. The southern and western farmers faced problems concerning credit, railroad rates and the exploitation of workers and farmers by the "money power." To find solutions to these problems the Southern Farmer's Alliance emerged which later transformed into the National Farmer's Alliance and industrial Union. To eliminate the middleman merchant who profited from Farmers,the alliance set up marketing cooperatives. The alliance helped to improve the social and economic needs of the farm families. To achieve their goal the alliance set up a third party, The Populist party. The party platform included a graduated income tax, direct election of U.S. senators, unlimited coinage of sliver at a ration of 16 to 1, government ownership of railroads, telegraph and telephone companies and the establishment of sub-treasures or federal warehouses for the storage of crops. the People's party didn't last because the people's party was fused into the democratic party.

7. The election of 1896 was considered to be the turning poin in the American Political history, which moved away for political stalemate. In the election of 1896, the Republican candidate was William Mckinley and the Democrats candidate was William Jennings Bryan. Bryan actively campaigned througout the country, covering 18,000 miles, focusing mainly on the Free-silver issue. The Republican platform included maintaining the gold standard reviving business confidence and ending depression. The Republican attacked the Democrats by denouncing them as irresponsible inflationist and by stating that the free silver ment a 57-cent dollar. The Republican reached out to many immigrants by printing many pamphlets in various languages. In the end McKinley won the presidency with 271 electoral vores. This was considered an important eletion because many felt the outcome would determine their future. This election did determine the future because the Republicans would remain in control of the congress and the presidency for the next 14 years.

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