Thursday, November 26, 2009

Election of 1824

1. The presidential election of 1824 finially had to be chosen by the house of Representatives because out of the 4 members running for the election, no one recieved a majority popular vote and eletoral vote. Andrew Jackson did recieve the highest but it was not enough to win majority. According to the 12 amendment established after the election of 1800 if no one recieves the hightest majority vote, the president would be elected by the House of Representatives through a voting process.

2. To be fair Andrew Jackson should have be elected president. Andrew Jackson was the one who recieved the popular vote and the House of Representatives is supposed to be the voice of the people. Jackson was in the lead for the the whole election. Jackson recieved 42 percent of the popular vote, while Adams recieved only 32%. In the electoral vote, Jackson led with 99 electors while Adams had 84 electors. The people were asking for Jackson so it should have been Jackson.

3. The purpose of the Electoral college was to make sure that it is always a qualified person that gets elected for president. The founding Fathers feared that the public would be manupilated and that the american government would end up with an uneligiable president. The reason for the establisment of the electoral vote was that people of lower class who were not educated didn't have alot say in the goverment. Overall the Founding Fathers created the electoral college because they didn't trust the common people to make the rigth choice. I don't think the president and vice president should be chosen entirely by popular vote. The electoral college creates order and without it there would be more case where there is no majority.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 9

1. Henry Clay was an important figure in creating the American system. The American system was a Neo-Federalist program to increase economic growth and create a perfect republic by protecting tariffs, making internal improvement and creating a national bank. Under the American system the Second Bank of United States was charted in 1816, which was even more powerful then the first. The Bank of U.S. was used by national government to deposit its funds, to accept Bank notes for payments and taxes. Also, the national government had to buy 1/5 of the Bank's stock.

2. John Marshall decisions as part of the Supreme Court established the independence of Courts and their right to review legislation. His decision strengthen the central government over the state governments. Marshal decision in Dartmouth College vs. Woodward protected the sanctity of contracts and corporate charters. In this court case Marshall ruled that state legislation could not change Dartmouth's royal charter. In the court case McCulloh vs. Maryland he supported the Bank of United States. He concluded that the bank was constitutional under the federal government implied power. He also concluded that Maryland did not have the right to tax the Bank of any other federal agency. In Gibbons vs. Odgen Marshall closed a steamship monopoly saying it interfered with the federal government power over intrastate commerce. All of Marshall's decisions in the various court cases empowered the national government and encouraged entrepreneurialism.

3. Improvments in transportation such as roads, steamboats, railroads and canals made transportation and trading goods easier and cheaper. These also tranformed isolated communities into commercial regions. The Creation of roads such as the National road and Lancaster turnpike didn't help the farmers as much. Even though it helped the settlers to reach the west, the cost was still high. The creation of steam boats and flat bottom steamboats made traveling up river and even at low water easier. Also with steam boats 2- way trade was possible. Steamboats allowed farmers and planters form the interior of United States to ship their goods to New Orleans. The Erie Canal linking Hudson River and Lake Erie created a water route between Northwest and New york city. Canals built by other states linked isolated areas to the Great Lakes and the Erie Canal. Railroad system connected cities to rivers and canals. The first national railroad system developed with 5,000 miles of tracks and other networks of railroads threaten the canal system. For example railroads in the Northwestern states replaced canal and river systems completely. These various new transportation systems reduced the time and money it took to transport heavy goods.

4. During the Market Revolution vegetable gardening and poultry raising vegetables the male's job, while new jobs in the household became the female's work. New iron stoves, store bought flour and eggs made cooking easier but now women were expected to do more varieties of food. The same was with clothing. Even though manufactured cloth was available, women spent all day sewing to create a wide range of clothing that society demanded. Before no one cared about how their house looked like but during the Market Revolution furniture increased so, the woman's work also increased. Women were expected to keep the house clean, So even thought they had no farm work to do and had pre made food and cloth they still spent a lot of time planting flower beds, cleaning, scrubbing, and taking care of kids.

5.While southern Yoeman were tied to their farms and families the Northern Yoeman commercialized and were tied to canal and railroad systems. The southern yoeman still followed the southern folkways. these southern farmers remained tied to the river trade and favored free ranging livestock. These southern farmers kept few arcs to grow corn and left the rest for the southern hogs. The southern farmers depended more on neighbors than on market trade. The Northern yoeman maintained the market oriented farming like in New England. Southern hogs were thin and fast but the Northern hogs were bigger and worth more. Unlike the Southern Yoeman, Northern Yoeman penned their cattle and hogs. These Northern farmers mostly grew wheat and exported this wheat through railways and canals. Southern farmers used old farming techniques while the Northern farmers used the new techniques. While the Southerns used the inefficient shovel plow , the northern farmers used the new cast-iron plows. The northerners used new horse powered, treadmill threshers and hand cranked fanning mills to clean wheat instead having cattle and horses drive over it. The southern's considered these new farming techiques as unwanted and an offense to god.

6.Textile mills were created in order factories across the country with out creating industrialized cities. These factories would also create jobs for the women and children. The key to American textile was a water-powered machines that spun yarn and thread. It was first invented by Richard Arkwright but the first Arkwright spinning in America was created by Samuel Slater. the first mill was a small building but as more mill owners increased factory villages were being built. In these town factory owned land was rented by husbands and fathers of the mill workers who were women. Francis Cabot Lowell copied the ideas of the Rhode Island system and built the Waltham System. The workplace consisted of young single women who wore stylish clothing, attended church and read newspapers. This workforce created a sisterhood of independent wage-earning women.

7. The Market Revolution had a big impact on the Rural and Urban areas in the United States. In Urban areas a new middle class was developing. In the commercial world of the Urban cities their were three social classes. The most wealthy and honorable class were old seaport merchants who became importers and exporters. They also took control of banks, insurance company and real estate. Below them were the middle class manufacturers, lawyers, salesmen, bookkeepers, and accountants. Below the middle class were young men who worked in the back rooms and workshops. Rural areas were also changing. The farmers were becoming more like businessmen. Farmers were planting more crops that were being exported then crops for their families.
